Food that the body should receive before exercising.

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Nowadays, the lifestyle of the new generation has started to give more importance to self-care in terms of exercise. Those who exercise or play sports regularly, whether it is a type of sport that uses the body heavily or lightly, should also give importance to the nutrition of the food that they should eat. Because if the body lacks necessary nutrients or does not receive enough nutrients, it will affect the exercising performance, reduce the efficiency of energy burning, and may result in fatigue or dizziness.

Many people have the wrong belief that they should not eat anything before exercising, both water and food, in order to avoid feeling bloated. But in fact, to help prevent muscle injury, increase muscle growth, and have the strength to exercise. The body needs glycogen as a reserve energy, which can be obtain from the food that is eat. Therefore, if we want to exercise effectively, we should eat food first.1-4 hours before exercise.

UFABET it is recommend to eat foods that are high in carbohydrates, low in fat, and moderate in protein. Foods that should be avoid include foods that are at risk of contamination or spicy foods because they can cause diarrhea, such as all types of vegetables because they are high in fiber, making them difficult to digest because they can cause stomach pain while playing sports or competing.

Eating food depends on the type of exercise you choose.

If you focus on weight training to build muscle, meals should be eat 1-2 hours before exercise. And divided into 75% protein and 25% complex carbohydrates. Focus on protein because it will help build muscle. The harder you play, the more protein you need. The approximate amount per day will depend on your weight, gender, and duration of exercise.

But if you focus on cardio exercise, you should choose to eat complex carbohydrates such as whole wheat bread, and unpolished flour as the main food so that your blood sugar level will increase steadily and you will receive energy slowly, giving your body continuous strength. Estimate the amount to be 200-300 grams or until you are full and eat 1-3 hours before starting to exercise. Adding a little protein and fiber so that energy is not use up too quickly.